Our FinTech Valuation Services

Our valuation services serve our clients in various purposes including accounting, transaction, acquisition etc.. With deep industry knowledge and technical expertise and experience in wide range of sectors of business functions. Our professionals offer quality valuation, consulting services and create value-added corporate solutions for our clients.
Methodologies of FinTech Valuation
​Relief from royalty method
​The relief from royalty method method positioned as a simple method which considers practical application aspects. This method focuses on the cost that could save by owning the royalty instead of leasing it. This valuation method is common to value patents, utility models and trademarks.
Multi-period excess earnings method
The multi-period excess earnings method estimates the free cash flow derived from the intangible asset and then was deducted by the value of supporting assets, such as fixed assets and working capital. The result can be viewed as the value solely contributed by the subject intangible asset.
Incremental cash flow method
The incremental cash flow method measures the economic benefit provided by the subject asset. An intangible asset is valued based upon the additional profit or cost savings that the owner of the intangible asset will achieve in relation to if they did not own the intangible asset.